
Monday, April 26, 2010

Microfiction Mondays: Stay Tuned!

Starting next Monday, stay tuned for the stories inspired by the delicious suggestions in my contest post! I'm excited, are you excited?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Review: Random Acts of Lust by Primula Bond

Have you ever had one of those days when the whole of the universe seems to be telling you “why not?” When you notice the cute boy at the front desk checking out your legs and flashing you a smile that's just a little bit too long, and you know that he would be yours for the asking? Or you think back on your school girl days and that moment when your best friend's hand accidentally brushed against yours and you wondered what it would be like to explore each other further, but couldn't bring yourself to even consider it?

Primula Bond's Random Acts of Lust is all about visiting the fantasy of those “what if moments.” The women in these short works of literary escapism all decide to throw caution to the wind and indulge in those naughty sexual adventures that all women fantasize about but most of us never do anything about.

Shadows, the book's opening story, is a somewhat sad one of a woman who sees an echo of her dying husband's youth in her stepson, and the two of them find love and solace in each other's arms. The mood of the book takes a decidedly upward turn from then on in. Each new woman introduced brings the reader further into a fantasy of sexual inhibition and desire. Who hasn't at some point wanted to pull the bitchy queen of the PTA off her high horse, tie her up and punish her until she repented her stuck-up ways, or take that sexy, innocent new university student home to teach him all the ways of the world that he's been missing out on?

The book is well structured, with the stories arranged in a delicious crescendo of sexiness ending in an amazing orgy scene that would leave anyone hot under the collar. Taken individually, each story definitely had points that drew me in, and a healthy allotment of steamy sex scenes, but there were also several points where awkward changes of points of view or scene changes jarred me out of the immersion that makes erotica most pleasurable. The dialogue was also a place where it was difficult to remain in the fantasy, since I often had to spend a lot of time trying to puzzle out exactly who was speaking and to whom. After most of those moments, though, the sheer steaminess of the sex scenes was quite enough to bring me right back into the action.

Random Acts of Lust seems tailor made for any woman who has ever had something (or someone!) turn them on, but decided against trying it, for whatever reason, only to wonder later “What if I'd just gone for it?” If you happen to be one of those women (and honestly, how many of us women aren't?) then chances are there is something, possibly many somethings, in this book that will appeal.

Random Acts of Lust @Xcite

kindle version

Monday, April 19, 2010

Microfiction Monday: Femme Fatale

This week's Microfiction Monday is presented to you by the delicious Circlet Press, who posted my teeny tiny microfic story, "Femme Fatale" this past Friday.

Find it Here!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Microfiction Mondays: If Only

If I had tonight to do again, for once in my life I'd trust myself.

I'd believe my initial instinct—the lilt in her voice when she said goodbye was her way of asking me to take the first step. I wouldn't smile, say goodbye too and hide my insecurities in that tepid fraternal hug.

Instead I'd lift her chin, and press my lips softly to hers. The tip of my tongue would tease at the front of her teeth when her lips parted ever so slightly, but no further: the delicate, tentative tease of a first kiss that promises many more explorations to come.

She would taste like cinnamon, and the spice would linger on my lips long after she'd walked up the steps to her apartment. The slowly fading tingle would remind me that she'd actually been there.

...if only I had tonight to do over again.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Writer Love

I am an incredible novice at this writing/submitting/getting published game. I submitted exactly two stories in 2009, and instead of writing more to send out, I made the mistake of waiting around to see if either of them got accepted, on the assumption that if neither one were wanted, then why bother sending out any more?

One of them sold, and one was rejected, and eventually made its way to a free stories website, and is now happily nestled (with a couple of major rewrites) in my WIP folder as the first chapter of a novel.

Those of you in the know, though, understand that finding out the fates of these two stories took months and months during which I chewed my lip and waited to find out if there was any chance of my being able to “hack it” as an erotica writer.

That leads me to right now. I've been writing again for a few months now. I try to punctuate working on longer shorts, anthology submissions and my never-to-be-completed novel with tiny bits of short short fiction that I can post on my blog and other websites that collect such things. I find it makes it easier to keep up a certain writing pace.

Of course, only having been at it again for short a time, I've heard virtually nothing back from the places to which I've submitted. This isn't terrible, of course—in fact since rejections often come far faster than acceptances, it could possibly be considered a good thing, but it is what it is, a “dead zone” that I've created for myself by not having written during the period that would have resulted in my hearing something right about now.

I have to tell you, sometimes it makes you want to sit back and just wait to see if anyone will actually like what you've been writing and sending out. Especially since I don't have many acceptance letters to draw on in the past. I'm not going to do that, by the way...I'm just sayin'.

In the meantime, though I have to say that it just makes my freaking day if I happen to get a nice comment on something that I wrote. Seriously, I mean you can check up on visitor counters and see that there are actually people reading your stuff but it's a rare person who actually says something about it. When I open my blog and see that someone has said “Hey that story's pretty hot, thanks for writing it!” my mood inches up a couple of good notches for the rest of the day. It might be a bit pathetic, but there it is.

Now I admit freely to my fairly newness to this smutting business and there a chance that I will get jaded and calloused and not care quite so much who writes a 5-word comment on something out there in cyberspace, but I sure hope not. Knowing how much it means to me to get one, I try and leave a comment whenever I stumble across something that I really like, too. I mean, if you really like an author, buy their books and tip their serial novels if you can, but to me, at least, feedback is support, too, and I really appreciate it immensely when someone takes the time to send some my way.

Today, though, I had a brand new experience (I told you I'm nearly a smut virgin, right?) I was plugged! Wow. I think I'll be giddy all day today. Kannan, if you wind up reading this, you rock my socks off! I am entirely barefooted and it's all your fault! Again, this might just be because I'm so new to this whole business, but still, that's too freaking awesome.

If there's a writer in your life whose stuff always makes you smile, consider leaving a comment in their online writing, or a nice review on their Amazon page, or plug them to someone you think would like their work. It's easier than stalking and it's not even illegal!

***Cyber-hug your favourite author today***

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Microfiction Mondays: Coffee, anyone?

Today's Microfiction is not here, but a lovely new site that combines two of my favourite things: massive amounts of caffeine and lots and lots of smut. Who could go wrong? They recently held a flash fictions contest about both those things, and I found myself unable to resist. (Yes I know, I'm easy!)

Here's a quick sneak peek at my entry:


She was my coffee goddess. We didn't have any sort of a regular “thing,” but any time we wound up at the same club together we'd eventually meet on the dance floor, and inevitably stumble back to her place in a panic of frantic gropes and kisses.

I know—you hear “goddess” and think “yeah, just another guy thinking his girl is the hottest thing ever.” Yeah, she was smokin', but I say it because sex with her was like...a religious ceremony. A coffee religion.

read more on site, and if you like it, consider voting for it!